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1 5 年来,友方公司已经为美国、英国、意大利、澳大利亚、丹麦、新西兰、新加坡、日本、阿联酋迪拜、老挝、泰国、印尼、柬埔寨、韩国、朝鲜、马来西亚、乍得、马达加斯加、刚果(布)等36个国家的企业,以及中国在境外投资的企业输送了大批各类人才,正在服务的中国企业有:华为技术有限公司亚洲项目、中石化集团伊拉克项目、中国路桥集团老挝和柬埔寨项目、中建钢构马来西亚项目、碧桂园集团和广州富力集团的马来西亚地产项目、南方石化刚果(布)石油项目、标准能源开发公司的马达加斯加石墨矿项目、绿城鞋业越南项目等等。 




联系人: 毛晓玲



                   COMPANY   PROFILE

Guangzhou You-fang International HR Services Co., Ltd

Guangzhou You-fang International Labor Services Co., Ltd. were launched early in the new century to provide professional consulting services related to abroad jobs (overseas employment), talents training, talents testing and evaluation, manpower leasing and hiring to both Chinese and foreign clients; to provide a platform in the field of talents input/output China, the fields of recruitment (hunting head) services, business consultancy and commercial exhibition.  The willing of our company is to work and grow together with local and foreign clients including governmental organization and enterprises, to further push forward the manpower market and its orderly turnover based on various demands.


Guangzhou You-fang  International Labor Services Co., Ltd. has been awarded Overseas Employment Services Permit by Ministry of Labor and Social Security. PRC.


the Labor Ensurance sector, then go to the International cooperation department,then u can see the company name list of the licensed oversea employment angecy .Our companys licence number is (2005)376 in the list of Guangdong province. Guangzhou Zheng-fang Human Resources Co., Ltd. has been awarded Guangdong Talents Agency Services Permit by the Personnel Department of Guangdong Province.


Since its corporation, we have built up the effective channels to communicate well with the government.  Being a professional company to provide consultation and services to the domestic and foreign clients, we always make great efforts to follow the principal of honest, trustworthiness and high quality.  We have the ability to serve the clients in the fields of providing job recommendation, courses training, related certificates transaction and consultancy services for the employees outside China.


Providing dispatching employees to transnational corporations; organizing the participants to investigate or attend the exhibitions outside China; providing the services in personal visa transaction, materials notarization and related information consulting;

providing the outsourcing human resources services in employee leasing, talents recruiting and employee training; providing the services of going through various formalities of labor certificates’ annual audit, industrial & commercial administration and taxation business on behalf of our clients.


Our company has established close contact with the lined professionals.  Our international labor business has been covered in America, Great Britain, Canada, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong and Macao.


Employee leasing and hiring business has had a continuously development on our original basis.  We shall provide consultation services related to industrial & commercial administration/taxation on behalf of our clients and have won initial success.

Please go to the website of  the State Council column in the


President --- Mr. QIN JieSheng

Adess:2903,Room,365 Tian he Road .Guanbgzhou

Phone:+86(20)38862309  Fax:+(8620)38862309

Email: 2502739875@qq.com



Guangzhou You-fang International Labor Services Co., Ltd.

President --- Mr. QIN JieSheng 

友情链接: 体育投注平台 广州政方人力资源有限公司

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公司网址:http://www.desertjump.com/ 公司邮箱:anne.mao@fesco-gz.com 公司电话:86-20-38862309

公司地址:广州市天河路365号2903室 粤ICP备2021016427号


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